Donate to become a member of Urban Chat!  

All donations of $50 or more (or $5 per month) will make you an Urban Chat member for 2024, giving you the chance to participate in decision-making that helps make a difference in Petaluma!

Your donation will be acknowledged by Petaluma People Services Center (PPSC), our fiscal sponsor. But don’t worry, we’re keeping track of your Urban Chat membership!

Donate to Petaluma Urban Chat today!

Through our educational committee, Know Before You Grow, we host speakers and guests from all over the country to inform and inspire you!

Our public forums and events are curated to stimulate you to take up the banner of new urbanist land use for the betterment of our town. We invite experts to join us like Leah Shahum, Doug Farr, Charles Marohn, Michael Ginn, and Laura Foote, all featured in the photo on this page. We host special workshops to keep you informed and moving forward. We invite our City Council and City Staff to learn more, and we advocate with Council and Staff for the best solutions to our land use puzzles.

Help us keep our programs free to all. Your tax-deductible donation enables us stay the course!