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Vision Zero: Limiting speeds for roadway safety

Spread the word! Key points below:

  • The problem:

    • 40,000 dead Americans annually on our streets, thousands more injured. Traffic collisions are the leading cause of death for children ages 1-19.

    • If a loved one is hit by a vehicle going 20 mph, they have a 90% chance of survival. At 40 mph, their chance of survival drops to 10%. Who are the people we are willing to sacrifice to drive at 40 mph?

    • We have designed our roadways almost exclusively for automotive vehicles, and this is the result.

    New idea:

    • Let’s shift the traffic death paradigm from “inevitable” to “unacceptable.”

    • We know how to design road systems to prevent and survive driving mistakes without severe injury and death. We can reduce traffic fatalities to zero — they’ve done it in Oslo and Helsinki.

    • Incremental changes can have a huge impact. Observe any risky traffic lane or corner. What would help?

    Take action:

    • Check out Sonoma County’s Vision Zero plan here.

    • Let’s make Vision Zero Petaluma part of our General Plan update. Contact Dave Alden, coordinator of the Mobility Workgroup, of the General Plan Advisory Committee. davealden @

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